Nov 122018

In the last week or so I have pulled the four of cups and the five of cups for quite a few clients I’ve read for. When a card shows up a lot I pay attention to it. Sometimes it’s something I need to look into for myself and other times it’s a heads up about the energy around at the time. I did the introspective thing on this and I’m not particularly disappointed or dissatisfied with my world right now. I took a step back, got a wider view and I can see this energy simmering away in several areas. That’s not a good thing.

Disappointment happens when your expectations and reality don’t agree. When that thing you wanted so much, that you believed it was real, turns out not to be so real after all. How invested you are in your version of things effects how deeply disappointed you will be when the world tells you can’t have that version.

Adjusting to reality is a process and for some people it takes only a few moments. They understand that this is the way it goes and they move on to the next thing. Other people resist for a while as they work through it. The idea that things are not as they want them to be is too much for small bunch of people so they ignore reality to varying degrees. A few resist forever.


(Helena Bonham Carter as Miss Havisham)

Accepting that you aren’t going to get your way is part of the human experience. It happens to us all. Understanding that you aren’t alone is helpful in processing this and processing this is important. One of the many obstacles we put in our own way is our refusal to move past disappointments.


We so very much want things to go our way that some of us get angry at reality and try to force the outcome we want. Some even do this repeatedly aiming for the same outcome. Each time we are thwarted we find a new way to manipulate things to get our way. And each time we do this we make facing that disappointment harder for ourselves.

People who take it this far feel entitled to have things turn out the way they want. Out of frustration they come to readers like me expecting an easy answer or a quick solution to their quandary. They really don’t see their own part in this until those cups cards show up and we start talking about what they are focusing on and what they are missing.

These readings go one of two ways. Either the client gets mad at me or they catch on right there. The angry clients don’t come see me for months or they never come back at all. The ones who are ready to do the work, to get out of their own way, hear what the cards and I have to say. Sometimes there are tears. Most of the time we can get to a level of acceptance and the client feels lighter and more in control of her life. Those breakthroughs happened quite a few times this week and it made me love this work all over again.

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